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Relaxed Perfection, Stylish Ease.

Former New Yorker Lisa Cowen became somewhat of an expert in tearing down pokey apartment walls to bring the loft experience to clients who craved open space, de-cluttering, and the peace that comes from living the well appointed, minimally festooned life. Among her clients: lawyers, psychologists, writers, photographers, retirerees, and even one very opinionated teenager. When she relocated to Key West she kept all her design ideas intact and discovered they worked as well in beachy sunshine as they do in urban sprawl.

Lisa never met a nuance of white she didn’t like and that’s usually her starting point. She has been pro-organic for years, favoring pure wood floors, hemp rugs, cashmere throws, china that outclasses Sevres and stautesque objects that would make Henry Moore weep. She prefers designing the complete house, but will start with one special room (or even just a problem corner of it), if that’s her client’s preference.